Peaceful Patio
Australian Willow, Wilga
Pygmy Date Palm, Roebelin Palm
Ivy Geranium
Variegated Century Plant
Royal Trumpet Vine, River's Trumpet
Blue Thimble Flower, Globe Gilia
Australian Willow, Wilga

Common name:Australian Willow, Wilga
Botanical name:Geijera parviflora

This evergreen tree reaches a height of 25', with 3"-6" long, medium length, green colored leaves that are narrow. Its main branches sweep up and out, while the smaller branches tend to hang down.

Pygmy Date Palm, Roebelin Palm

Common name:Pygmy Date Palm, Roebelin Palm
Botanical name:Phoenix roebelenii

This tree will grow to about 10' tall and has dark green, spiny petiole foliage. It does well in full sun to heavy shade; it likes moderate to heavy irrigation, but can take periods of dryness.

Ivy Geranium

Common name:Ivy Geranium
Botanical name:Pelargonium peltatum

Clouds of single or double flowers are produced from spring through fall on this plant, which should be planted in areas that receive afternoon shade in warm inland valleys. Foliage resembles ivy (pointed lobes) and are bright green and glossy. Ivy Geranium looks great in hanging baskets, window boxes or in planters. Do not use for erosion control.

Variegated Century Plant

Common name:Variegated Century Plant
Botanical name:Agave americana 'Variegata'

This Agave has a creamy yellow margins around the edge of the leaves. It will grow 6'-10' tall by up to 13' wide. It is native to Mexico. It has a very open growth habit, with leaves that recurve along their length. -Mountain States Nursery

Royal Trumpet Vine, River's Trumpet

Common name:Royal Trumpet Vine, River's Trumpet
Botanical name:Distictis 'Rivers'

The Royal Trumpet Vine is a very vigorous vine with rosy lavender flowers. These blooms have yellow throats and fade to pink as they age. Its foliage is lighter green and glossier than the Blood Red Trumpet Vine, its closest relative.

Blue Thimble Flower, Globe Gilia

Common name:Blue Thimble Flower, Globe Gilia
Botanical name:Gilia capitata

Globe Gilia is an annual that grows 8"-30" tall and 8" wide. Pale blue to violet-blue flowers with blue pollen are carried in dense, 1/2" -1.5" wide clusters that look like pincushions. It generally blooms in spring through summer.

Designer: Homeowner

Peaceful Patio

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants.

Integrated Pest Management:

Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.